Monday, September 26, 2011

Remake the World...

Utopia:  ideal community or society possessing a perfect socio-politico-legal system...

.... if we can't get to it, might as well try to get as close as possible... don't you think?

Creating a blog was an idea that I had in mind for awhile... 

Probably because everyday I see so many things that make me want to scream: "ENOUGH!!!" .... because everyday I see important decisions made solely on greed, arrogance and stupidity... but mostly on greed! And I go and think... WHY??? 

Why aren't humans learning from their past and their mistakes? 
Why isn't everyone trying to make the world more enjoyable??
Why is it that in a supposedly time of progress, 90% of the population is still living in the dark ages subject to hunger or fanaticism?? 
Why finally is it, that so many humans are just self absorbed and selfish, only caring about their own little being, and not realizing that they are more than that...?

I want to talk without false pretense about what many think silently and don't dare to voice because it would be "politically incorrect"... I say, enough with the hypocrisy, enough with the cliches... Let's speak up without fear, without restraint... let's say out loud the plain truth that is not necessarily pleasant to hear!

But, let's also talk about wonderful feelings... I want to share all the great and fun experiences I have had around the world... from watching a good movie to hiking in a remote area to finding a delicious recipe for cookies... Because I think this is what blogging is for... sharing experiences with others to better oneself and to open our minds to the new and the unknown...

Each of us is part of a world, a culture and it's our job to preserve and share them... one step at a time...

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