Saturday, November 5, 2011

Peta Against SeaWorld and Marine Parks/Zoos in General

Send Your Letter:

Sometimes I disagree with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) but on this one I am 100% with them.

It's very simple, this time they are suing SeaWorld for mistreating animals and keeping them in a state of slavery.

I have always hated zoos and marine parks. I don't understand what pleasure can anyone take by looking at animals in cages. If you want to see a lion, go take a trip to Kenya and check out their natural reserves. Going to the zoo is less expensive than going to Kenya you will say, fair enough. But then, is it normal that to satisfy your desire to look at exotic animals, one captures them, takes them away from their family and locks them up in cages? How would you like it if this was done to you? So here is a simple fact, if you can't afford to go see a lion in its natural habitat, then deal with it and don't encourage the captivity of animals just for the sake of satiating your curiosity!

If you stop going to zoos and marine parks, they won't make money anymore and eventually close down. It's called BOYCOTT, and this is what everyone should do if they cared a bit! But go and try to convince all these idiots who bring their kids to the zoo every year...  Just once I wish I could lock them up and throw peanuts at them for a day... see how they like it...

Anyway, here is a simple principle that should always be followed:

Note that it says "others", as in all others, not just human beings. Any living thing on earth, including animals, is comprised in this "others".

So if you agree with this, do the animals a favor, write a letter to the company that owes SeaWorld:

Here is what I sent them:

" I am shocked that SeaWorld continues to exploit marine animals for entertainment despite the many tragedies that the park has faced, including the horrifying recent incident in which a trainer was killed by a whale and the deaths of numerous captive orcas. These events did not have to happen, and I appeal to you to take strong action now so that similar tragedies never occur again.

The intelligent, social ocean animals kept in the pitifully small tanks at SeaWorld are denied everything that is natural and important to them. Please make the humane decision to start moving the captive orcas and other marine mammals to transitional coastal and wildlife sanctuaries and replace them with state-of-the-art virtual reality and animatronic exhibits that wow youngsters and adults alike.

I imagine that what drives you to keep these poor animals into a state of slavery is money, because some people go and visit your park without understanding how mistreated the animals are. But don't you realize that animals would respond much better if their life condition was improved, and happy animals would be much more appealing to the audience, and much more easily trainable, which would automatically reduce costs and on the long run make you earn more money? Or do you just not care about the animals' well being at all? Let me ask you a question... How would you like to be locked up everyday in a closet? I am guessing not so well, so why do you inflict it on other beings? Do you not realize that these animals suffer? Or do you realize it all too well, but money is just too good to care about animals?

Here is an idea for you. When I wanted to see whales, I went to Quebec, paid to be on a boat and went for a ride for 3 hours onto the the frozen ocean to see the whales, in their natural habitat. So why don't you reconvert into this? Instead of capturing animals, why don't you just offer to people the pleasure of seeing these animals in their natural habitat? Of course this would require you to invest a bit of money at first, but wouldn't it be worth it? Or again, do you just not care about the animals?

And here is another idea, instead of capturing animals, why don't you exclusively heal and save sick or injured animals? Why don't you make your park a haven for injured sea life? Then keep the animals while they recover and finally release them back into the ocean? I am sure many people would pay to see this too... Of course you couldn't make them do super fancy tricks but more simple ones would be accessible... you could also have people more easily visit and touch the animals themselves... There is definitely money to be made there while preserving the animals... so why don't you?

And finally, one last question for you... How would you like it if somebody found they could make money using your children, came to your home, snatched them away from you, locked them up in a closet and fed them only if they were obedient? Try to imagine how you'd feel... so what do you think the orcas to which you do this exact same thing feel? Do you think that because they are animals they don't have the exact same feelings? You know, there is a saying that goes: "Do not do to others what would anger you if done to you by others."... this is not only valid for humans but for all living creatures.

So in the end, what gives you the right, to dispose of someone else's life as you wish? Just because you have the power to do it, does not mean that you have the right to do it. "

Hoping I and many others did not send their letter in vain and that things will change soon... for orcas and many others to go back and look and live the way they're supposed to!

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